Welcome to "In the Machine", the official Autodesk Inventor blog. This blog is a place for the Inventor Product Managers to post useful or interesting information about Inventor and related topics. At least we hope the posts will be useful and interesting and are confident you'll give us some guidance if they are not. Please note that this blog is not intended to replace the newsgroups and is not for technical support.
We come from varied backgrounds and you can learn more about us here. We'll each be posting as we come across items we think you might find interesting. If you have a topic you'd like us to discuss, an interesting link you think we should promote or any feedback on this blog please feel free email us here. If you have a tip, trick, tutorial or other tidbit you'd like to see posted to the blog please send it to us here.
Be sure to visit the companion blogs for AutoCAD hosted by Shaan Hurley @ http://autodesk.blogs.com/between_the_lines/ and for ADT hosted by Chris Yancher @ http://blogs.autodesk.com/adt
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Thanks and regards -
Amy Bunszel, on behalf of the rest of the Inventor team:
Pete Lord, Peter Adams, Andy Palioca, Jeff Wymer