Garin Gardiner

Autodesk Manufacturing Blogs

March 2011

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« Who said you couldn’t have architectural units in a sketch? | Main | A Brief Overview with Wiki help »



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Good Evening Mr. Garin
My name is John i 'm fun of you & your blog you do a really good job and you really got us in the center of news about everything!
So... i have a question for you if you could explain me about the reason that the inventor respond like this
And the problem is...
I'm in the sketch mode i draw to ellipse one by the tool & one by the the fillet tool then i draw two lines tangent to the ellipse &
after that i' m trying to understand why the trim tool or the "auto-find" profile in the extrude tool just don't work. Finally i watched that the fillet is the problem & that the prog does not see the
"fillet-ellipse" as the simple ellipse
I'm sure that you can explain me some how in the future this different between a fillet draw and a redraw contour!!!
it's just so waste of time for me:)to redraw the shape that i want; to place new dimension and associate them.
(i know that is very important to have all the dimension that needs a shape in the sketch mode before i end it)
I really thank you about the opportunity that i have to write to you!!!

Inventor Rules... Keep this Blog up as it deserve it!!!

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